Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday.    My birthdays are always interesting.   Since I'm the planner of the family, celebrations of my day tend to be thrown together at the last minute (right after someone remembers the date).  Yesterday was no different.   If you've been reading for awhile, you will recall that hubby1 doesn't make reservations (see last year's Valentine's day report for an example)

The morning started with a text from the hubby:  "what are the plans for tonight?"
me:  "i don't plan my own celebration.  that's no fun" (gentle reminders that he needs to learn to plan ahead)
him:  "ok"

couple of hours later:
him:  "do you want to go see 'Annie"
me:  "sure! tell me when we need to leave"
him:  "can you call and get tickets?"
me: "see previous txt about planning...luv ya"

an hour later:
him: "show at 8..leave at 7"
me: "so you got tickets?"   (never assume anything when dealing with menfolk)
him: "yep"  (i could just imagine his face being all proud of himself for making a phone call)

So we saw "annie" at the newly restored Fox theater.   The show was cute...it's "Annie"...it's always cute.  The theater was incredible.  They did a remarkable job with the restoration.  AND I met the manager of group sales who, after a brief discussion of my theater habits, asked if I would send her my resume.  woohoo!  working at a theater would be almost as much fun as working at Disneyland.


  1. Well Happy Belated Birthday! And good luck with the job prospect!

  2. Happy birthday, Jill!

    BTW, I should be partying it up in Disneyland, right now, but due to a series of unfortunate circumstances this week, we had to cancel our trip. :(

    Adam and I hope to come out at the end of March!

  3. That would be a very cool job. I love hanging out backstage in theatres... and I'm going on a course to learn about radio producing, tomorrow!

  4. Happy late birthday!!! Hope the theater gig pans out as a gift for ya. :D


  5. February is the bestest month for birthdays! The grandest folks are born in February!

    Glad you had a great night! Love the way you made him make the arrangements! That was too cute!

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  6. Jill - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry the wish is late. Glad you had a good time at "Annie". That was one of my Dad's favorites - he played the recording way too often for my tastes :-)
