Monday Movie Quotes3 - Finding Nemo

And we're back! You all did better last week, but Facebooker's ended up with 29 quotes or passages (they got a little carried away). I know they are a younger bunch and have no lives, but still - 29 to 6?

This week is a movie that my 20 year old daughter can pretty much recite. She frequently breaks into random Nemo quotes (which are all accompanied by specific actions or voices).

so once again, give us your favorite quote(s) from "Finding Nemo."
one quote per comment. (if you feel like it, tell us why that quote is your favorite.)
comment as many times as you like between now and next Sunday.
Invite your friends to play along. (some day, blogger world WILL beat the Facebook crowd)
Lurkers: play along.....we love seeing new faces here in blogland.

Have fun with it!