fly-by blogging be a responsible adult and pay bills, finish invoicing, fill the photography orders, go to the post office, cook dinner (cuz 4/5 of the family is actually home on mondays), bathe the puppies, weed the garden, finishing stripping wallpaper from the master bath, rip out carpet, wash the walls, buy paint........cuz tomorrow the contractor dude is available to work on the master bedroom/bath..........

someone needs to slap the chore fairy into action.......i left her milk and cookies.....and a list so she didn't even have to figure out what need to be done......stupid fairy.......


  1. Crap. I need to file our taxes. Boooooo. I don't want to be an adult!!

  2. I hate being an adult too :( especially the bill part. but i actually plan on giving my sweet puppy a bath today too, he is looking a lil rough lol

  3. No day is too busy to build in a little irresponsibility. That's what I always say.

  4. That fairy is a serious lazy ass. I've called Fairy HQ to complain numerous times. She must be sleeping with the boss, though, because thing NEVER improve. Let me know if you have any luck.

  5. Wow. You better get busy. The new bathroom will make it all worth it.

  6. No, no, no. If you leave the chore fairy milk and cookies, she'll never get any work done. She'll just lounge around on the sofa eating the milk and cookies and watching soaps. You have to give her hot chili peppers.

  7. thanks suldog....i was thinking some highly caffeinated coffee instead of the milk....but i like the hot chili pepper idea...

  8. Good grief, you sound busy!!!!
